About Us

We are entrepreneurs who seek capital allocation in high return opportunities. We generate value by adapting creative solutions to business challenges.


We believe our creative approach and flexible structure can generate unique opportunities.

The Ambition

Our ambition is to become a reference in capital allocation in LATAM, by building a platform based on resilience, innovation, and collaboration.

Our Principles

Keep Learning

At Gard2n, we embrace the principle of Learning as a driving force behind our story. We believe that in an ever-evolving world, staying ahead requires us to be alert, constantly seeking new knowledge and insights. We foster a culture of creativity, encouraging our team members to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions. Flexibility and adaptability are at the core of our approach, allowing us to adapt swiftly to changing circumstances and seize new opportunities. We understand that learning is a lifelong journey, and we are committed to continuously expanding our horizons to deliver the best possible outcomes for our stakeholders.

Measured Risks

Taking calculated risks is an integral part of our philosophy at Gard2n. We believe that success often lies beyond the comfort zone, and we encourage our team members to be risk takers with a discerning eye. Through careful alignment of our actions with our long-term vision, we embrace a hands-on approach that empowers us to identify and assess opportunities. We employ a rigorous analysis of risk-reward ratios, always striving to ensure a margin of safety. By focusing on the intrinsic value of each opportunity, we are able to make informed decisions that have the potential for significant upside while minimizing potential downsides. At Gard2n, we understand that measured risks can lead to breakthroughs and transformative outcomes.

Move Forward

At Gard2n, we are driven by a strong sense of purpose and a long-term vision. We believe in the power of resilience and understand that setbacks are often a necessary part of the journey towards success. We embrace the compound effect, knowing that consistent progress, no matter how small, can lead to remarkable achievements over time. We encourage our team members to think big and aim for audacious goals, providing them with the support and resources they need to make their visions a reality. Organic development is at the heart of our approach, as we believe that sustainable growth is built upon solid foundations. We continuously strive to forge new paths, adapt to emerging trends, and navigate challenges with unwavering determination. At Gard2n, we are committed to moving forward, always seeking to create a positive impact on our ecosystem.